

International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease(Published: October 2023)に論文が掲載されました.

タイトルは「Effects of Pedometer-Based Step-Feedback on Physical Activity of Severe COPD Patients」で,平松内科・呼吸器内科 小牧ぜんそく睡眠リハビリクリニックの辻村康彦先生との共同研究です.


Purpose: This study investigated whether adding step-feedback (step-FB) from a pedometer to pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) programs could increase the physical activity (PA) of low-activity patients with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).Conclusion: PR improved PA by improving physical function in severe COPD patients. Adding step-FB improved PA in severe COPD patients by presenting an activity goal for improving PA. Therefore, pedometer-based step-FB is a viable addition to PR and has the potential to improve PA continuously in these patients.
